An interesting day! That’s me – driving out to the farm where I’ll be keeping my bees – there are 20,000 bees in the back of my car right now! The sound is AMAZING!!! I got two packages of bees: 1 package of Italian bees and 1 package of Buckfast. Each package contains 3 pounds of bees, or about 10,000 plus the queen.
The package is screen on two sides, and wood on the top, buttom and other two sides. In the top of the package is a round hole with a can of sugar water to feed the bees during the trip. The can has small holes in the bottom – like a drip feeder.
The first step is to remove the can, then the queen bee, then shake the bees into the waiting hive – sounds easy, right? lol A lot of the bees simply didn’t want to go in. After shaking the bees out, I left the open package by the hive entrance and eventually they found their way into their new home.

Adding bees to the hive